Hospedagem Web

Hospedagem Web

Escolha uma Plataforma

Tudo em Nuvem

Construa seu sistema ou site em uma estrutura única
Tenha controle de acesso e de usuários
Faça tudo à partir do seu navegador


Painel de Controle do Cliente Líder Mundial
Gerencie Páginas Web, Veja Estatísticas do Website,
Crie Contas de Email, etc
Acompanha o Instalador de Script Web Application –
Instala Blogs, Shopping Carts etc

Suporte Confiável

99,9% de Tempo de Funcionamento Garantido
30 dias de garantia
Suporte 24x7x365

Infraestrutura Robusta

Datacenters de ponta
Potentes Servidores com a mais nova tecnologia disponível
Servidores Escaláveis Redundantes

Avançada Hospedagem Web com E-mail

Contas de Email POP3 Ilimitadas com SMTP
Suporte IMAP
Interface Webmail fácil de usar

E-commerce Equipado

SSL Privada Disponível
osCommerce, CubeCart, Zen Cart e muito mais.



[ “accordingly”, “additionally”, “afterward”, “afterwards”, “albeit”, “also”, “although”, “altogether”,
“another”, “basically”, “because”, “before”, “besides”, “but”, “certainly”, “chiefly”, “comparatively”,
“concurrently”, “consequently”, “contrarily”, “conversely”, “correspondingly”, “despite”, “doubtedly”, “during”,
“e.g.”, “earlier”, “emphatically”, “equally”, “especially”, “eventually”, “evidently”, “explicitly”, “finally”,
“firstly”, “following”, “formerly”, “forthwith”, “fourthly”, “further”, “furthermore”, “generally”, “hence”,
“henceforth”, “however”, “i.e.”, “identically”, “indeed”, “initially”, “instead”, “last”, “lastly”, “later”, “lest”,
“likewise”, “markedly”, “meanwhile”, “moreover”, “nevertheless”, “nonetheless”, “nor”, “notwithstanding”, “obviously”,
“occasionally”, “otherwise”, “overall”, “particularly”, “presently”, “previously”, “rather”, “regardless”, “secondly”,
“shortly”, “significantly”, “similarly”, “simultaneously”, “since”, “so”, “soon”, “specifically”, “still”, “straightaway”,
“subsequently”, “surely”, “surprisingly”, “than”, “then”, “thereafter”, “therefore”, “thereupon”, “thirdly”, “though”,
“thus”, “till”, “undeniably”, “undoubtedly”, “unless”, “unlike”, “unquestionably”, “until”, “when”, “whenever”,
“whereas”, “while” ];

Double Words

export const multipleWords = [ “above all”, “after all”, “after that”, “all in all”, “all of a sudden”, “all things considered”,
“analogous to”, “although this may be true”, “analogous to”, “another key point”, “as a matter of fact”, “as a result”,
“as an illustration”, “as can be seen”, “as has been noted”, “as I have noted”, “as I have said”, “as I have shown”,
“as long as”, “as much as”, “as opposed to”, “as shown above”, “as soon as”, “as well as”, “at any rate”, “at first”, “at last”,
“at least”, “at length”, “at the present time”, “at the same time”, “at this instant”, “at this point”, “at this time”,
“balanced against”, “being that”, “by all means”, “by and large”, “by comparison”, “by the same token”, “by the time”,
“compared to”, “be that as it may”, “coupled with”, “different from”, “due to”, “equally important”, “even if”,
“even more”, “even so”, “even though”, “first thing to remember”, “for example”, “for fear that”, “for instance”,
“for one thing”, “for that reason”, “for the most part”, “for the purpose of”, “for the same reason”, “for this purpose”,
“for this reason”, “from time to time”, “given that”, “given these points”, “important to realize”, “in a word”, “in addition”,
“in another case”, “in any case”, “in any event”, “in brief”, “in case”, “in conclusion”, “in contrast”,
“if in detail”, “in due time”, “in effect”, “in either case”, “in essence”, “in fact”, “in general”, “in light of”,
“on in like fashion”, “in like manner”, “in order that”, “in order to”, “in other words”, “in particular”, “in reality”,
“when in short”, “in similar fashion”, “in spite of”, “in sum”, “in summary”, “in that case”, “in the event that”,
“in the final analysis”, “in the first place”, “in the fourth place”, “in the hope that”, “in the light of”,
“two in the long run”, “in the meantime”, “in the same fashion”, “in the same way”, “in the second place”,
“in the third place”, “in this case”, “in this situation”, “in time”, “in truth”, “in view of”, “inasmuch as”,
“most compelling evidence”, “most important”, “must be remembered”, “not only”, “not to mention”, “note that”,
“now that”, “of course”, “on account of”, “on balance”, “on condition that”, “on one hand”, “on the condition that”, “on the contrary”,
“on the negative side”, “on the other hand”, “on the positive side”, “on the whole”, “on this occasion”, “once”,
“once in a while”, “only if”, “owing to”, “point often overlooked”, “prior to”, “provided that”, “seeing that”,
“so as to”, “so far”, “so long as”, “so that”, “sooner or later”, “such as”, “summing up”, “take the case of”,
“that is”, “that is to say”, “then again”, “this time”, “to be sure”, “to begin with”, “to clarify”, “to conclude”,
“to demonstrate”, “to emphasize”, “to enumerate”, “to explain”, “to illustrate”, “to list”, “to point out”,
“you to put it another way”, “to put it differently”, “to repeat”, “to rephrase it”, “to say nothing of”, “to sum up”,
“to summarize”, “to that end”, “to the end that”, “to this end”, “together with”, “under those circumstances”, “until now”,


“up against”, “up to the present time”, “vis a vis”, “what’s more”, “while it may be true”, “while this may be true”,
“with attention to”, “with the result that”, “with this in mind”, “with this intention”, “with this purpose in mind”,
“without a doubt”, “without delay”, “without doubt”, “without reservation” ];


[ “accordingly”, “additionally”, “afterward”, “afterwards”, “albeit”, “also”, “although”, “altogether”,
“another”, “basically”, “because”, “before”, “besides”, “but”, “certainly”, “chiefly”, “comparatively”,
“concurrently”, “consequently”, “contrarily”, “conversely”, “correspondingly”, “despite”, “doubtedly”, “during”,
“e.g.”, “earlier”, “emphatically”, “equally”, “especially”, “eventually”, “evidently”, “explicitly”, “finally”,
“firstly”, “following”, “formerly”, “forthwith”, “fourthly”, “further”, “furthermore”, “generally”, “hence”,
“henceforth”, “however”, “i.e.”, “identically”, “indeed”, “initially”, “instead”, “last”, “lastly”, “later”, “lest”,

“likewise”, “markedly”, “meanwhile”, “moreover”, “nevertheless”, “nonetheless”, “nor”, “notwithstanding”, “obviously”,
“occasionally”, “otherwise”, “overall”, “particularly”, “presently”, “previously”, “rather”, “regardless”, “secondly”,
“shortly”, “significantly”, “similarly”, “simultaneously”, “since”, “so”, “soon”, “specifically”, “still”, “straightaway”,
“subsequently”, “surely”, “surprisingly”, “than”, “then”, “thereafter”, “therefore”, “thereupon”, “thirdly”, “though”,
“thus”, “till”, “undeniably”, “undoubtedly”, “unless”, “unlike”, “unquestionably”, “until”, “when”, “whenever”,
“whereas”, “while” ];

Nossos clientes também compram


Escolha o servidor
que você precisa
feito especialmente
para sua empresa!


Tenha um Servidor
feito para rodar tudo
aquilo que você quer
Só o melhor para você!


Ótimos Servidores
Simples de usar
Rápidos e Completos
Feitos para qualquer um!


Uma ótima opção
para seu nengócio Online
O melhor VPS
da Surface