Full Node BTC

Full Node BTC

O que é um Full Node BTC?

Um Full Node é um programa que valida totalmente transações e blocos. Quase todos os nós completos também ajudam a rede aceitando transações e blocos de outros nós completos (Full Nodes), validando essas transações e blocos e, em seguida, retransmitindo-os para outros nós completos.

Escolha o melhor Node para você

Full Node BTC Ucrânia


Por mês

Intel Xeon E5-2620V3



1Gbps Uplink

Full Node BTC Romênia


Por mês

2x Octa-Core Intel Xeon E5-2660

4x 8GB RAM


1Gbps Uplink

Full Node BTC Islândia


Por mês

2x Hexa-Core Intel Xeon X5650

6x 8GB RAM


1Gbps Uplink

Full Node BTC Suíça


Por mês

Intel Xeon E5-2620V4


240GB SSD and 1.92TB SSD

1Gbps Uplink

R$570.00 taxa de instalação para o primeiro mês

Tudo Incluído

O que faz?

Os Full Nodes também transmitem suas transações para a rede, notificando você assim que uma transação afetar sua carteira.

Como funciona o Full Node?

Muitas pessoas e organizações se voluntariam para executar nós completos usando recursos de computação e largura de banda sobressalentes, mas são necessários mais voluntários para permitir que o Bitcoin continue a crescer.

Quais são as vantagens de um Full Node BTC?

As vantagens de usar um full node fazem dele seu próprio gateway de pagamento, evitando trabalhar com terceiros para cobrar, mantendo sua privacidade, evitando também passar por KYC (Identity Verification) para fazer saques

Por que o hardware precisa ser poderoso?

Para evitar problemas com tráfego, ou até mesmo seu servidor não conseguir lidar com a fluidez, nosso hardware é construído e pensado para evitar qualquer engasgo com isso. Muitos nós, como XMR, exigem pelo menos 8 GB de RAM e discos SSD.

Posso executar mais de um Full Node?

Se necessário, você pode executar mais de um Node dentro do seu servidor, BTC, XMR e LTC, por exemplo.

É seguro?

Sim, você só tem segurança quando tem dados de acesso root ao servidor. Por padrão nossos discos rígidos são criptografados e somente quem tem acesso root ao servidor (você) tem acesso aos dados, ao contrário de terceiros que só possuem os dados completos de suas transações. Quando você recebe um pagamento através de seu full node, as criptomoedas vão direto para sua carteira e você não está pagando nenhuma taxa por esse pagamento, você pode sacar ou apenas armazenar suas criptomoedas dentro do seu servidor.

Veja como é fácil configurar tudo

Como conectar meu Full Node à minha carteira ou ao meu site?

Você pode executar seu site em outro servidor e fazer uma conexão RPC com o nó completo, ou também pode executar o BTCPay Server e fazer uma conexão usando os plugins prontos ou via API. Na maioria dos scripts que pedem um full node, a conexão é feita via RPC. Você pode usar uma carteira existente no servidor ou criar uma nova carteira exclusiva para receber pagamentos.

Como criar uma nova carteira Bitcoin:

bitcoin-cli createwallet "walletname"

Como carregar uma carteira Bitcoin para que você possa interagir com ela na CLI:

bitcoin-cli loadwallet "walletfile.dat"

Você pode obter mais informações sobre tudo em

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Qualquer dúvida ou problema com seu serviço, entre em contato conosco, nós o ajudaremos o mais rápido possível.

Veja outras opções de Full Nodes

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[ “accordingly”, “additionally”, “afterward”, “afterwards”, “albeit”, “also”, “although”, “altogether”,
“another”, “basically”, “because”, “before”, “besides”, “but”, “certainly”, “chiefly”, “comparatively”,
“concurrently”, “consequently”, “contrarily”, “conversely”, “correspondingly”, “despite”, “doubtedly”, “during”,
“e.g.”, “earlier”, “emphatically”, “equally”, “especially”, “eventually”, “evidently”, “explicitly”, “finally”,
“firstly”, “following”, “formerly”, “forthwith”, “fourthly”, “further”, “furthermore”, “generally”, “hence”,
“henceforth”, “however”, “i.e.”, “identically”, “indeed”, “initially”, “instead”, “last”, “lastly”, “later”, “lest”,
“likewise”, “markedly”, “meanwhile”, “moreover”, “nevertheless”, “nonetheless”, “nor”, “notwithstanding”, “obviously”,
“occasionally”, “otherwise”, “overall”, “particularly”, “presently”, “previously”, “rather”, “regardless”, “secondly”,
“shortly”, “significantly”, “similarly”, “simultaneously”, “since”, “so”, “soon”, “specifically”, “still”, “straightaway”,
“subsequently”, “surely”, “surprisingly”, “than”, “then”, “thereafter”, “therefore”, “thereupon”, “thirdly”, “though”,
“thus”, “till”, “undeniably”, “undoubtedly”, “unless”, “unlike”, “unquestionably”, “until”, “when”, “whenever”,
“whereas”, “while” ];

Double Words

export const multipleWords = [ “above all”, “after all”, “after that”, “all in all”, “all of a sudden”, “all things considered”,
“analogous to”, “although this may be true”, “analogous to”, “another key point”, “as a matter of fact”, “as a result”,
“as an illustration”, “as can be seen”, “as has been noted”, “as I have noted”, “as I have said”, “as I have shown”,
“as long as”, “as much as”, “as opposed to”, “as shown above”, “as soon as”, “as well as”, “at any rate”, “at first”, “at last”,
“at least”, “at length”, “at the present time”, “at the same time”, “at this instant”, “at this point”, “at this time”,
“balanced against”, “being that”, “by all means”, “by and large”, “by comparison”, “by the same token”, “by the time”,
“compared to”, “be that as it may”, “coupled with”, “different from”, “due to”, “equally important”, “even if”,
“even more”, “even so”, “even though”, “first thing to remember”, “for example”, “for fear that”, “for instance”,
“for one thing”, “for that reason”, “for the most part”, “for the purpose of”, “for the same reason”, “for this purpose”,
“for this reason”, “from time to time”, “given that”, “given these points”, “important to realize”, “in a word”, “in addition”,
“in another case”, “in any case”, “in any event”, “in brief”, “in case”, “in conclusion”, “in contrast”,
“if in detail”, “in due time”, “in effect”, “in either case”, “in essence”, “in fact”, “in general”, “in light of”,
“on in like fashion”, “in like manner”, “in order that”, “in order to”, “in other words”, “in particular”, “in reality”,
“when in short”, “in similar fashion”, “in spite of”, “in sum”, “in summary”, “in that case”, “in the event that”,
“in the final analysis”, “in the first place”, “in the fourth place”, “in the hope that”, “in the light of”,
“two in the long run”, “in the meantime”, “in the same fashion”, “in the same way”, “in the second place”,
“in the third place”, “in this case”, “in this situation”, “in time”, “in truth”, “in view of”, “inasmuch as”,
“most compelling evidence”, “most important”, “must be remembered”, “not only”, “not to mention”, “note that”,
“now that”, “of course”, “on account of”, “on balance”, “on condition that”, “on one hand”, “on the condition that”, “on the contrary”,
“on the negative side”, “on the other hand”, “on the positive side”, “on the whole”, “on this occasion”, “once”,
“once in a while”, “only if”, “owing to”, “point often overlooked”, “prior to”, “provided that”, “seeing that”,
“so as to”, “so far”, “so long as”, “so that”, “sooner or later”, “such as”, “summing up”, “take the case of”,
“that is”, “that is to say”, “then again”, “this time”, “to be sure”, “to begin with”, “to clarify”, “to conclude”,
“to demonstrate”, “to emphasize”, “to enumerate”, “to explain”, “to illustrate”, “to list”, “to point out”,
“you to put it another way”, “to put it differently”, “to repeat”, “to rephrase it”, “to say nothing of”, “to sum up”,
“to summarize”, “to that end”, “to the end that”, “to this end”, “together with”, “under those circumstances”, “until now”,


“up against”, “up to the present time”, “vis a vis”, “what’s more”, “while it may be true”, “while this may be true”,
“with attention to”, “with the result that”, “with this in mind”, “with this intention”, “with this purpose in mind”,
“without a doubt”, “without delay”, “without doubt”, “without reservation” ];


[ “accordingly”, “additionally”, “afterward”, “afterwards”, “albeit”, “also”, “although”, “altogether”,
“another”, “basically”, “because”, “before”, “besides”, “but”, “certainly”, “chiefly”, “comparatively”,
“concurrently”, “consequently”, “contrarily”, “conversely”, “correspondingly”, “despite”, “doubtedly”, “during”,
“e.g.”, “earlier”, “emphatically”, “equally”, “especially”, “eventually”, “evidently”, “explicitly”, “finally”,
“firstly”, “following”, “formerly”, “forthwith”, “fourthly”, “further”, “furthermore”, “generally”, “hence”,
“henceforth”, “however”, “i.e.”, “identically”, “indeed”, “initially”, “instead”, “last”, “lastly”, “later”, “lest”,

“likewise”, “markedly”, “meanwhile”, “moreover”, “nevertheless”, “nonetheless”, “nor”, “notwithstanding”, “obviously”,
“occasionally”, “otherwise”, “overall”, “particularly”, “presently”, “previously”, “rather”, “regardless”, “secondly”,
“shortly”, “significantly”, “similarly”, “simultaneously”, “since”, “so”, “soon”, “specifically”, “still”, “straightaway”,
“subsequently”, “surely”, “surprisingly”, “than”, “then”, “thereafter”, “therefore”, “thereupon”, “thirdly”, “though”,
“thus”, “till”, “undeniably”, “undoubtedly”, “unless”, “unlike”, “unquestionably”, “until”, “when”, “whenever”,
“whereas”, “while” ];

Double Words

export const multipleWords = [ “above all”, “after all”, “after that”, “all in all”, “all of a sudden”, “all things considered”,
“analogous to”, “although this may be true”, “analogous to”, “another key point”, “as a matter of fact”, “as a result”,
“as an illustration”, “as can be seen”, “as has been noted”, “as I have noted”, “as I have said”, “as I have shown”,
“as long as”, “as much as”, “as opposed to”, “as shown above”, “as soon as”, “as well as”, “at any rate”, “at first”, “at last”,
“at least”, “at length”, “at the present time”, “at the same time”, “at this instant”, “at this point”, “at this time”,
“balanced against”, “being that”, “by all means”, “by and large”, “by comparison”, “by the same token”, “by the time”,
“compared to”, “be that as it may”, “coupled with”, “different from”, “due to”, “equally important”, “even if”,
“even more”, “even so”, “even though”, “first thing to remember”, “for example”, “for fear that”, “for instance”,
“for one thing”, “for that reason”, “for the most part”, “for the purpose of”, “for the same reason”, “for this purpose”,
“for this reason”, “from time to time”, “given that”, “given these points”, “important to realize”, “in a word”, “in addition”,
“in another case”, “in any case”, “in any event”, “in brief”, “in case”, “in conclusion”, “in contrast”,
“if in detail”, “in due time”, “in effect”, “in either case”, “in essence”, “in fact”, “in general”, “in light of”,
“on in like fashion”, “in like manner”, “in order that”, “in order to”, “in other words”, “in particular”, “in reality”,
“when in short”, “in similar fashion”, “in spite of”, “in sum”, “in summary”, “in that case”, “in the event that”,
“in the final analysis”, “in the first place”, “in the fourth place”, “in the hope that”, “in the light of”,
“two in the long run”, “in the meantime”, “in the same fashion”, “in the same way”, “in the second place”,
“in the third place”, “in this case”, “in this situation”, “in time”, “in truth”, “in view of”, “inasmuch as”,
“most compelling evidence”, “most important”, “must be remembered”, “not only”, “not to mention”, “note that”,
“now that”, “of course”, “on account of”, “on balance”, “on condition that”, “on one hand”, “on the condition that”, “on the contrary”,
“on the negative side”, “on the other hand”, “on the positive side”, “on the whole”, “on this occasion”, “once”,
“once in a while”, “only if”, “owing to”, “point often overlooked”, “prior to”, “provided that”, “seeing that”,
“so as to”, “so far”, “so long as”, “so that”, “sooner or later”, “such as”, “summing up”, “take the case of”,
“that is”, “that is to say”, “then again”, “this time”, “to be sure”, “to begin with”, “to clarify”, “to conclude”,
“to demonstrate”, “to emphasize”, “to enumerate”, “to explain”, “to illustrate”, “to list”, “to point out”,
“you to put it another way”, “to put it differently”, “to repeat”, “to rephrase it”, “to say nothing of”, “to sum up”,
“to summarize”, “to that end”, “to the end that”, “to this end”, “together with”, “under those circumstances”, “until now”,


“up against”, “up to the present time”, “vis a vis”, “what’s more”, “while it may be true”, “while this may be true”,
“with attention to”, “with the result that”, “with this in mind”, “with this intention”, “with this purpose in mind”,
“without a doubt”, “without delay”, “without doubt”, “without reservation” ];